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how to create meaning

As human beings, we are genetically programmed to navigate and recover from trauma.1,2 Something scary happened to our ancestors and they learned to avoid that scary thing. It did not stop them from continuing to hunt and gather, but they found ways around those dangers. In the same way, we can work to https://ecosoberhouse.com/ find safer ways and avoid the dangers we know about from experiences within our families. Developing the theme of a novel is a subtle and relentless process that is learned through experience.

how to create meaning

Finding the Message or Being the Messenger

It gives you a sense of purpose in your life. And this purpose is the path through which you learn to focus your energy on what matters to you, and in doing so, induce meaning onto the bumpy journey of life. If industrial civilization can achieve material comfort and convenience only at the cost of our psychological, emotional, moral, and spiritual values, then it is a fool’s bargain. There is no purpose in prolonging life, or giving people back more hours in the day, if those hours and that life are devoid of meaning.

Option 3: The Meaning of Life Is Self-Actualization

how to create meaning

It is about having important life goals and working to achieve them. You have to learn to put your energy where it matters, which requires continued self-discovery and self-awareness. If you can identify and nurture the most important parts of your life, you can let go of the other stressors that are bringing you down and better regulate your emotions.

how to create meaning

The Mass Effect Logo History, Colors, Font, And Meaning

how to create meaning

First, sense-making usually occurs in ambiguous and confusing situations, so we aren’t prepared to make sense. Second, bracketing means identifying how to create meaning a structure to information so you can label it to overcome ambiguity. Third, it is social; so people usually make sense in the context of conversation and feedback from behavior.

  • I just had a major meltdown in the car, sobbing uncontrollably because all of that anger, all of the bitterness, all of the emptiness and the despair and those questions without answers.
  • The client did the meaning making and that makes all the difference to the experience itself.
  • Here are some examples of meaningful situations that many people experience.
  • There are more concepts related to sense-making and they manipulate how sense is made.
  • I love creating meaning in different aspects of my life.
  • It is about having important life goals and working to achieve them.


In fact, having a sense of purpose is one of the biggest predictors of happiness and satisfaction. Many abuse and trauma experts report that finding meaning from your experience is an essential part of the healing process, as it helps you understand how and where to heal. We talk about making meaning out of an abusive and traumatic situation, not to victim-blame or dismiss the experience, but to empower the survivor to heal despite their experience. Finding meaning does not take away from the actions or inactions of others who contributed to your trauma and it is okay to also have negative feelings about what happened to you.

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The writing of a story should be an experience for the writer too. The work needs to transmit something – love, anger, Twelve-step program jealousy, rage, disturbance, (add your own abstract noun here) – but you can’t experience these abstractions in prose just by using the abstract noun. In fiction, meaning is delivered through concrete detail and description. Don’t tell me that your character is angry, show them throwing the ashtray. As a rule of thumb if your work makes you feel – cry, laugh, explode – chances are it’s transmitting something of this to the reader too.